Thursday, November 13, 2008

Chillin' With Abe

Mr. Lincoln looks like he's "chillin'" a bit in this drawing, almost as if he's thinking about a week or so at the beach, catching some rays, doing a little fishing, maybe and try to unwind a little from all the pressure he's under as president.

Can't say as though I blame him. It's been an intense campaign season, corporate America is axing jobs faster than we count, the economy is weak, and life is stressful for almost all of us.

That's why I'm heading to the beautiful seashore of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina for a week of some (hopefully) relaxation and fun with some long-time friends who make me part of their family.

I'm a systems analyst in my "real life" and a fairly active blogger in my spare time. I interact with computers way too much. Therefore, the Abraham Lincoln Blog is going on a 10-day or so hiatus. I'm taking along a couple of history magazines, a couple of books, and hopefully will find some peace and quiet far from the stresses of daily life.

Thanks for reading this blog. I'm an unabashed history geek and I hope you enjoy my posts.


  1. Enjoy your vacation! I "chill" every summer by traveling to Minnesota to visit friends who are also like family. So: have a good time, chill, and come back refreshed.


  2. Hey, I'm working on PR for an Abe Lincoln exhibition in Philadelphia. Would you give me your contact info so I can send you our press stuff? Please send it to alexis [at] limeprojects [dot] com.


  3. I am fascinated on the idea of being able to read up on this man. I didn't pay attention in School about it because I did not care, but now, I have the nerve to learn. How can I subscribe to this page, that way it is easy to get to?

  4. Hi!

    Along the right side of my blog, towards the bottom of the screen, you'll see logos for Google, Yahoo, and another site. If you simply click on the Google logo, where it says "Subscribe" you'll get updates of my posts. If you click on Yahoo, you can get updates from my blog through Yahoo. It's up to you!


  5. Geoff - There was an article in the Nov 18th Boston Globe entitled "Words of solace genuine, even if note may not be - copy of Lincoln letter to Hub mother found". You may have heard of the Bixby letter - I guess reference to it was made in Private Ryan movie. Whenever I read anything on Abe Lincoln, I now think of your blog! I so enjoy it and look forward to reading it.

  6. Hi Kathleen,

    Thanks for your kind words. I have indeed heard of the Bixby letter and the recent publicity.

    Thanks for sharing and thanks for enjoying my blog.

